2022 Barometer of equity and bonds financing

FirmFunding is making available its business barometer for the year 2022, from which the following insights can be drawn:

  • in terms of sectors: Still a clear predominance of real estate and industry (+30%), followed by services (financial and non-financial) and industry. FirmFunding has continued to place particular emphasis on the Green / Impact aspects of SME project holders (30%)
  • in terms of financing typologies: Pure private debt (dry bonds) accounts for the vast majority of requirements (+60%), apparently marking an underlying trend identical to that of the previous year
  • in terms of project typologies: Organic growth projects account for 3 out of 4 projects, ahead of external growth and refinancing.

With more than €180 million of financing put online, the FirmFunding platform confirms its ability to enable SMEs of all sizes, in all sectors and in all regions to find financing that will allow them to carry out their development projects while strengthening their balance sheet and without altering their cash flow.


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